Mr. Dizdarevic, primarily known as ‘Mr. D’, is one of the main faces of the Engineering Pathway. He is a lifelong math and tech enthusiast with a deep passion for science and engineering. He currently teaches Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Robotics Engineering, Engineering Capstone, and AP Computer Science Principles.
Mr. D originally taught math at North Bullitt High School for 10 years. However, once he moved into the Atherton neighborhood, he felt compelled to reach out about a possible math position at Atherton. Although they had no open math positions at that time, they were looking for an engineering teacher, and his background made a perfect fit.
Mr. D has two large pieces of advice for students in high school. First, finding the right path that aligns with your interests and goals can be a challenge, but he says to not get discouraged:
“Keep exploring, and don’t be afraid to adjust your direction along the way. Hard work and persistence often lead to success, but luck will push and pull on you at times. Stay flexible and adapt as needed.”
His second piece of advice is to invest your time in learning and developing your skills while your mind is still ready to absorb new knowledge:
“Any learning is good learning. Don’t limit yourself to just what you think you’ll need; the most unexpected knowledge can become valuable in ways you never imagined.”
Outside of school, Mr. D enjoys hiking and being in nature, playing games with family, and keeping up with the latest scientific and technological advancements.