Señora Suarez is one of the teachers who has been at Atherton the longest. Joining the 2002-2003 school year, Señora Suarez has been teaching Spanish all these years. Suarez has also been in the same classroom for almost 25 years.
How does it feel to be teaching in the same classroom for so long?
“First, I thought the classroom was very small, but then at the end of the year, I don’t have to move anything to another room. That makes me happy. I’ve changed the layout a bit and decorations until we had the renovation.”
What are your hobbies outside of school?
“I like to read and take photographs. If the weather isn’t cold, I like taking hikes.”
Why do you like teaching at Atherton? What’s made you teach for so long at Atherton?
“I’ve been in JCPS for almost 25 years, and my first school was challenging. I heard there was an opening for Atherton in 2002, and I decided to come. Atherton has always been one of the best schools. I also like the diversity and [that] people are open to different ideas and different ways to identify themselves.”
Señora Suarez is a familiar face around the world language hallway. Her classroom is located at Rm. 209. Being an important figure at Atherton for so long, Señora Suarez is a favorite by many students!